During the summer when the days are long and hot, I love making colorful dyed shirts.
A couple of summers ago I needed to dye something. I can not even remember what is was now. I bought the dye. I do remember it was black. I could not put it in my washer because I did not want to stain the tub and end up with all my nice clothes blackened. I set up a station on my picnic table and dyed my project. I had some extra dye and a few white t shirts that I had stained with food or something. I didn't want to throw the dye away. So...
I twisted my shirts with a fork like one would do to a plate of spagetti and rubber banded them and dunked them in the dye leaving them to sit for several minutes. I had so much dye left that I went looking through my husbands clothes and found a few white shirts. Yes. I dunked his too. When we unraveled them. They were incredible starbursts of white and black.
That started it. I had to buy more dye, but now colorful dyes. I found nice white t-shirts. I twisted them and folded them this way and that. Never once did I get two the same. The best part was untieing them. It was magic.
Friends wanted one. Family members wanted one. People who saw me wearing a tie dyed shirt asked where I get my shirt. I decided there may be a market for them. So I made a bunch. I sold them at flea markets, schools, and online. I just like making them. I like finding new ways of folding them to get new patterns I haven't tried before. Peopl also tell me when they use to make them in the 60's or in school as a kid. They bring back great memories or people everytime they see them.
I learned how to fold, tie and make great patterns on ehow.com
These are really beautiful...and it's fun that you can see how they were made, in these patterns.